Archive for July, 2015

Judging Day has arrived!



Today we welcomed Chris Evans (no not the DJ!) and Jean Griffiths to Storrington to judge our entry in the Small Town category of the South & South East in Bloom regional competition.

We met the judges at Foxmead Court and took them on a tour of the Meadow, Rydon School, Melton Drive, Fryern Dell, Bramber Avenue, Millennium Pond, Amberley Road Allotments, Matt’s Meadow and West Street before exiting the minibus and proceeding on foot from Ropemakers Cottages, through the Library car park, past the wildflower strip to the wheelbarrow display at the bus stand before continuing via Old Mill Drive and Square to the newly refurbished defibrillator box. The judges were then shown some of the wonderful business window displays before finishing up with refreshments at The Moon pub.

Thankfully the weather held for us and the judges made some very positive comments. We now have the long wait for the results in September.

Thank you to everyone who supported us with our judges tour.

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Storrington’s 2015 Finalists are Announced


We are pleased to announce that the local Storrington in Bloom competition has now closed and judging has taken place.

This year entrants were either submitted by themselves or nominated by a friend or neighbour.

The entrants were then independently judged by Parham House’s very own head gardener Tom Brown.

The results will be announced at the award ceremony on Thursday 17th September.

In non ranked order our finalists are:

Community area;

Sussex Down

Bramber Avenue

Brewers Yard

Hanover Walk


Front Gardens;

1 Love Lane

99 Horemare Crescent

Thyme Cottage, Melton Avenue

9 Bramber Avenue



1a, Ravenscroft

3 Amberley Road

13a Ravenscroft

22b Amberley Road

16a Ravenscroft

35 Amberley Road

22 Amberley Road

17a Ravenscroft

1 Amberley Road

Very best of luck to all our finalists and we look forward to seeing you at the award ceremony.

With thanks to our sponsors

And a BIG thanks to all our volunteers and local businesses without whom none of this would be possible.