Young people join Storrington in Bloom effort

Storrington is preparing to welcome the judges from South & South East in Bloom tomorrow – our volunteers have been busy all year sprucing up the village, including another clean up event which took place on 3rd July. Thank you to everyone that lent a hand.


First School Mural  Rydon flags

This week the efforts of our young people have become visible with the arrival of the flags designed by the students at Rydon Community College, the brightly coloured mural celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday painted by children at Storrington First School and the 10 ‘bright and beautiful’ themed wheelbarrows prepared and planted by local youth groups.

Judging for the Storrington in Bloom local competitions is underway and we look forward to announcing the winners at our awards ceremony in September.

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With thanks to our sponsors

And a BIG thanks to all our volunteers and local businesses without whom none of this would be possible.