Entries are now invited for the 2017 local competitions which will be judged during July and August. Categories include front garden, allotment, external business display, community area and business window display. We are also introducing a scarecrow competition which we hope many groups and families will get involved in. Please click on the link for entry forms for the residential categories and the scarecrow competition or collect one from Joanna’s Boutique Tearoom, The Card Centre or Wood’n’pots’n’things. Come on all you budding gardeners – now is the time to show off! Don’t forget you can also nominate the front garden of one of your neighbours.
The 2017 campaign is underway! On Sunday March 5th a group of willing volunteers spent 2 hours litter picking and weeding in Storrington town centre as part of the Keep Britain Tidy Big Spring Clean Up. Despite the showers more than thirty bags of rubbish were collected. Our next clean-up day will be on Sunday July 9th from 10-12. Please do come along – many hands make light work and children are very welcome to help out too.
Our entry in the South & South East in Bloom competition will be judged on Thursday 13th July – with the help of our sponsors, volunteers and local businesses we hope to better our silver gilt result from last year.
Tags: competition, entry forms, nominate, scarecrows Posted